Thursday 12 February 2015

Breast lumps Is Always Dangerous?

One of the organ disorders breast very disturbing is the lump. Every woman, especially those who have legal age, usually will realize when there is something unusual in her breast. However, whether a lump is always indicate something is wrong and needs to be watched? On this occasion, will be discussed about the lump in the breast, and what can be done by a woman when it finds a lump in her breast.

 What are the Chances?

 Any changes in the breast tissue that makes it feel different from the surrounding tissue, sometimes make women wonder what is happening to her breasts. Such changes could be the presence of one or more breast lumps can be felt sick or not. Some possible when a woman finds a lump in her breast, namely:

 Breast lumps that appear at the end of the menstrual cycle, generally harmless cyst. After the menstrual period, this type of lump usually disappears. Breast cysts are fluid-filled bag that tends to increase at the end of the menstrual cycle, when the body to retain more fluid. The size of the cyst there are small, and there are large to the size of an egg. If massaged, cysts can slightly change shape and most can move under the skin. Blockage or widening of the channel in the underlying breast tissue can be the cause of the cyst. Cysts usually appear in the 40s, which is several years before menopause. Because the cysts usually disappear after menopause, then the possibility of hormonal changes in ovariumlah that cause changes in the size of the cyst.

Fibrocystic breasts
 Fibrocystic breast is more common in women aged 20-30 years. This condition is also called fibrocystic changes, chronic cystic mastitis or benign breast disease. In this condition, the growth or proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and ducts, combined with the growth of cysts, making the breast gland tissue to thicken. Tissue thickening is usually more pronounced at the top, and the outer region of the breast. This condition is also associated with variations in hormonal levels during the menstrual cycle and can be a pain.

 Blob breast fibroadenoma is not a cyst or cancer (adenomakarsinoma). This benign tumor most commonly develops in middle years of productive age (age of childbearing / still birth). Fibroadenoma feels like a solid mass, smooth, strong, and elastic, with a clear shape. Fibroadenoma can also moved about under the skin. Fibroadenoma develops when tissue grows participate in the gland or breast lobules.

 In addition to the three types of breast lumps above, there are caused by infection or bleeding due to injury or also called a hematoma. In addition, there is also caused by a tumor or lump of fatty tissue called a lipoma. It could also be due to the presence of intraductal papilloma (a small tumor that is not cancer / benign growth in the milk ducts in the breast near the nipple), especially if it is clogged, causing cysts. All of these conditions are not cancerous, so its not malignant.

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