Monday 2 March 2015

Fibrocystic breast disease: Symptoms | Breast Lumps

Some women have no complaints, and the findings were discovered by chance when a sub-Chung. Another key in the individual nodes or the entire chest area changed complicated. Related most prominent chest pain before period. Before menopause, symptoms can be increased. Cysts can often be as firm-elastic knots of varying sizes, depending on the course of the cycle, the button. Rarely, it can lead to leakage of dull, but not bloody fluid from the nipple - usually on both sides - to come. Very rare chest showed signs of inflammation, ie, an area feels a bit hot, a little flushed, hardened complicated and painful.


In fibrocystic changes palpable mass is often difficult to assess. Therefore, doctors in the disorder, such as a palpable lump in the breast or hardened areas, perform ultrasound (sonography). This is especially true for women under 30 years because they have dense breast tissue. In particular cyst ultrasound images optimally represented. A diagnostic mammogram is connected only when needed, in case of doubt, a biopsy, which is the elimination of a sample of tissue for histological examination.

Fibrocystic breast disease and the risk of breast cancer?

Simple fibrocystic changes do not increase the risk of breast cancer. This is in accordance with the "healthy breasts" women. If you find ductal cells with atypical hyperplasia (ADH, overlapping with grade III mastopathy), the risk of breast cancer increased statistically about four to five times in checked and in the other breast after ten years. This means that about 20 percent of people, or one in five women then can get breast cancer.

However, women are affected in the age group in which breast disease usually make demands, from the beginning are less likely to breast cancer, which puts this calculation (see below). In individual cases, the doctor will always consider all relevant risk factors in a woman before he can assess an individual's risk for breast cancer may be approximate.

For security reasons it is evidence linking slightly increased risk of breast cancer, on a regular basis. This applies insbeosndere when breast tissue in mammography proved to be relatively dense or extremely dense. It is considered as an independent risk factor for breast cancer. In combination with ADH will be higher, which may be indicative of anti-hormone treatment of prevention. It's best to consult with a certified breast centers in affected women.

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